Huda Beauty

Boosted by the success of her beauty blog,, award-winning beauty blogger and Hollywood-trained celebrity make-up artist Huda Kattan launched the now-internationally recognised Huda Beauty, one of the fastest growing beauty brands worldwide. Hailing from Dubai, Huda – along with her sisters Alya and Mona – first launched the Huda Beauty Lash Collection with astonishing success, breaking records in the Middle East with its selection of superior-quality eyelashes. Guided by her expertise and keen eye for detail, Huda’s product line now includes her collection of sought-after liquid matte lipsticks, lip contouring pencils, 3D highlighter and textured eye shadow palettes. With a phenomenal fan base, her account is the most followed beauty brand on Instagram, while her beauty tutorials on YouTube have seen Huda become an industry heavyweight.


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